With whom do you carpool? (Minimum 1 person)
8.1 If yes please indicate below the type of shifts you work your normal hours of work and how often?
Login details will be sent to you via email (provided you have included an email address in your application) to setup your online parking account.
When you collect your permit, you will be provided with a Smart Parker Card. Which will enable staff to pay for parking with cash/eftpos at existing kiosks on Watling Walk by the blue lifts, pharmacy and the multi-deck convenience store. This payment method is self-managed.
Staff Parking Fees at QEIIMC as at 1 July 2024 are:
* Off peak rates only apply if the full length of your stay falls within the off peak hours.
Email: qeii.parking@health.wa.gov.au
Office Hours: 8am - 3pm, Mon - Fri
Tel: 6457 1787
This application will be sent to the head of SCGH engineering upon submission, once approved it will be sent to the parking branch and a permit will be made there.