Application Form


Step 1 of 6 Start Application

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Step 2 of 6 Personal Details

If you are a student please do not proceed any further and contact the Parking Department for more information on student parking.
E.g. SCGH, KEMH, etc.
The QEIIMC Trust may use your Mobile Number to send you Safety & Incident Alerts.
This email address will be used for all future communication.
Staff who apply stating that they are a ‘Primary Carer’ must also send through a Statutory Declaration form to declare that they are Primary Carers. Visit for further information on how to complete the stat dec correctly. Completed Statutory Declaration forms can be emailed to the Parking Department via Please note, if you are renewing an application over one year old, a new stat dec will need to be submitted.
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Step 3 of 6 Car & Motorcycle/Scooter Details

Main Vehicle

A second E-tag will incur a cost of $20, request upon collection of your primary parking permit.

Second Vehicle

In addition to collecting your parking permit, a second E-Tag can be purchased from the Parking Department for $20.

Motorcycle / Scooter

Motorcycle / Scooter bays are located in car park 7 and on the ground floor of the multi deck car park. Motrcycles / Scooters that park in car bays may be subject to infringement.
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Step 4 of 6 Work details Part A

Please note volunteer parking is no longer free and parking charges will need to be covered by the organisation/department or the volunteer. If you are unsure who will incur the charges for parking please confirm with your organisation/department before completing this application form.
Organisation invoiced: the organisation you are volunteering for has agreed to cover the cost of your parking.
Pay as you go: you are responsible for ensuring there are funds on your parking account to enable access to the car park.
Green Commuter parking is an initiative to encourage staff to use alternative transport such as public transport, cycling or walking to work. It is only available to staff who work on a full-time basis and who live outside a 5km radius of the QEIIMC site. Green Commuter parking entitles you to onsite parking two out of the five weekdays plus weekends. Green Commuters also have access to parking from 5:00pm - 05:30am. Please note Green Commuter parking is currently oversubscribed. Any applicants requesting this access will be automatically added onto a wait list.
Carpooling is an option where two or more QEIIMC staff members commute to QEIIMC together in one car on a regular basis. Please note Carpooling parking is currently oversubscribed. Any applicants requesting this access will be automatically added onto a wait list. For further information on carpooling, see TravelSmart’s carpooling information sheet and the FAQ page of their website: or contact the QEII Parking Department on 6457 1787 8am - 3pm.

With whom do you carpool? (Minimum 1 person)

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Step 5 of 6 Work Details Part B

An ACROD Parking Permit entitles the holder to use the accessibility parking bays to gain easier access to the workplace. Please note a valid ACROD permit as well as a valid staff parking permit must be clearly displayed to have access to accessibility bays. Staff who apply stating that they hold an ACROD permit must also send through a copy of the front and back of their ACROD permit to the Parking Department via .
E.g. dd/mm/YYYY
This applies only to clinical staff who have regular patient contact as part of their daily duties.
If primary site is SCGH go to Q 6.3 Your primary site is the one at which you spend the majority of your shifts.
For the purpose of the Priority Parking Policy, ‘regular fixed/contracted hours’ is defined as a constant or definite pattern recurring at uniform intervals.
If you select ‘yes’ please indicate your shift hours below, including any night duties.

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Step 6 of 6 Work Details Part C

Vertical Tabs

Staff who apply stating that they are undertake on-call duties (Weekdays only) must also send through a copy of a current (within 3 months) roster showing their on-call duties. On-call Rosters are to be emailed through to the Parking Department via Please note, on-call does not include Staff that choose to attend work of their own accord outside of regular contracted hours.
Pre - Tax Deduction is not available onsite at QEIIMC.

Online Payment:

Login details will be sent to you via email (provided you have included an email address in your application) to setup your online parking account.

Smart Parker Kiosk Payment:

When you collect your permit, you will be provided with a Smart Parker Card. Which will enable staff to pay for parking with cash/eftpos at existing kiosks on Watling Walk by the blue lifts, pharmacy and the multi-deck convenience store. This payment method is self-managed.

Current Staff Parking Fees

Staff Parking Fees at QEIIMC as at 1 July 2024 are:

Duration Peak Hours
(7am - 6.30pm)
Off Peak Hours *
Daily Rate $6.55 $4.91
0 - 15 mins Free Free
15mins - 1 Hour $0.94 $0.71
1 Hour - 2 Hours $1.87 $1.40
2 Hours - 3 Hours $2.81 $2.11
3 Hours- 4 Hours $3.74 $2.81
4 Hours - 5 Hours $4.68 $3.51
5 Hours - 6 Hours $5.61 $4.21
6 Hours - 7 Hours $6.55 $4.91
Over 7 Hours $6.55 $4.91

* Off peak rates only apply if the full length of your stay falls within the off peak hours.


Office Hours: 8am - 3pm, Mon - Fri

Tel: 6457 1787

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